
Jane Austen: Myth, Reality and Global Celebrity

Discover the fascinating story of author Jane Austen, from her own life in Hampshire to what she means to a global audience today.

694 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 3
  • 初级
  • 英语


Develop knowledge and understanding of the historical and literary contexts in which Jane Austen was writing

Investigate virtually the important locations associated with Jane Austen and their impact on her writing

Assess and discuss the impact of Austen’s society on the depiction of arts and reading in her novels

Explore some of the myths surrounding women writers of the long eighteenth century

Identify the challenges of adapting, translating and interpreting Jane Austen’s works and how this affects global understanding of her work

Evaluate the marketing of Jane Austen in her own time and now


Jane Austen went from being a moderately successful anonymous novelist in her own time to a global celebrity in ours. On this course you will explore how that happened, exploring Austen’s own literary influences, and her reputation over time.

You will learn about her origins in Hampshire, uncovering her formative years, and the society she lived in, asking how Austen’s location, background and reading influenced her novels. You will also consider the ways her own contemporaries read and responded to her, and her place in the modern canon of world literature today, 200 years after she died.


The Austen myth: who is she and what does she mean to people around the world?

An 18th century education: Jane and women’s education and reading

Austen’s literary and family influences

Austen’s ‘dirty walks’: gardens and landscapes in Austen’s writing

The marketing of Jane Austen at home and abroad – how her legacy has endured and built her celebrity

Austen’s afterlives: adapting Jane Austen for the modern age in film, TV

Austen as a commodity: portraits, hair and merchandising


This course is for anyone with an interest in Jane Austen, including the members of Jane Austen Societies in North America, Japan, Brazil and many European countries. You will need a basic knowledge of her novels.

Learners may be interested in the Master of Arts in Jane Austen offered by the University of Southampton.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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