
Medical Cannabis: The Health Effects of THC and CBD

了解大麻和CBD对健康的影响。 作为患者或医疗保健提供者,您将了解不同类型的大麻和CBD产品的风险和益处,并将学习如何以最小化风险并最大程度地提高潜在利益的方式使用大麻。

1155 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 4 个月
  • 初级
  • 英语







The legalization of cannabis (i.e., marijuana) and the recent federal legalization of cannabidiol (CBD) has led to unprecedented access to cannabinoids (e.g. THC and CBD), a projected 60 billion dollar industry (cannabis and hemp) by 2025, and the fastest growing jobs sector in the economy according to recent reports in the media. Despite all of this, there is very little evidence-based information about the health effects of cannabis or about how to maximize the potential benefits while minimizing harm. Parents of children with seizure disorders, veterans with PTSD and chronic pain, cancer patients, and our aging parents deserve better. People WANT evidence-based information about the potential risks and benefits of cannabis products so that they can weigh the pros and cons of cannabis versus other options. They also want to know how to maximize the positive effects of cannabis while minimizing the side effects. This specialization is designed to provide that information.

The specialization is useful to a range of learners. It is intended for patients and their loved ones who have questions about cannabis and CBD products as well as for health care providers and others who work in public health who want to provide helpful information to patients. It is also intended for people who want to work in the cannabis industry. For all of these groups, understanding the evidence base is critical in terms of communicating the risks and potential benefits.


History of Medical Cannabis

This History of Medical Cannabis course is designed to have you think critically about past, present, and future research on the health effects of cannabis by developing a more nuanced understanding of the barriers to research as well as different approaches to research. You will learn about the history of cannabis cultivation, the legal history of cannabis or "marijuana", and the obstacles that led to the lack of science on its medicinal use. You will also learn how to critically evaluate research on the effects of cannabis cannabis, and discuss the associated risks of using cannabis in the context of public health and epidemiological research. Finally, you will learn about how to administer cannabis products in ways that minimize risk adn maximize any potential benefits. Obtaining this knowledge will be helpful in terms of informing public policy, public health, and personal decisions regarding the use of cannabis products.

Cannabis, Chronic Pain, and Related Disorders

This Cannabis, Chronic Pain, and Related Disorders course is designed to have you think critically about the health effects of cannabis (i.e., marijuana) in the context of chronic pain, opioid use disorder, obesity, sleep dysfunction and cancer. We'll learn about the epidemiology and etiology of these conditions, the harms/benefits of current treatments, and learn how to evaluate the literature on cannabis for these conditions. We will discuss special considerations for using cannabis for these conditions, such as dose, timing, side effects, and drug interactions. Lastly, we'll discuss how it is being used in the context of palliative care. Obtaining this knowledge will be helpful in terms of informing public policy, public health, and personal decisions regarding the use of cannabis products.

Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders

This Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders course is designed to have you think critically about the health effects of cannabis (i.e., marijuana) in the context of several mental health and neurocognitive disorders. You'll be able to identify key features of several anxiety disorders (e.g., panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, PTSD), major depression, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. You'll understand the etiology and risk factors for these disorders, recognize conventional treatments, and understand the influence of different cannabinoids such as THC and CBD on these disorders. Obtaining this knowledge will be helpful in terms of informing public policy, public health, and personal decisions regarding the use of cannabis products.

Healthy Aging and the Future of Cannabis Research

This Healthy Aging and Future of Cannabis Research course is designed to have you think critically about the health effects of cannabis (i.e., marijuana) in the context of inflammation, exercise, and aging. You'll learn how inflammation and the microbiome may be related to the disorders discussed in class, and how cannabis may influence these disorder through modulating inflammation. We'll describe the relationship between the endocannabinoid system and exercise, and how cannabinoids may affect exercise performance and recovery. You'll learn how to identify key features of aging and how cannabinoids may influence the aging process. Obtaining this knowledge will be helpful in terms of informing public policy, public health, and personal decisions regarding the use of cannabis products.



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