
Retail Fundamentals

Learn key components of the retail business, including forecasting, inventory management, product assortment planning and pricing from TuckX and the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.

746 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 4
  • 中级
  • 英语


How to generate and evaluate Sales Forecasts

How to plan and optimize your Inventory Management

How to think and decide on Product Assortment

How to find the best prices for your products


In this course, part of the Retail Management Professional Certificate program, you will learn the four key components of the retail business:

Demand forecasting,
Inventory management
Assortment planning
Pricing decisions

You will learn about the different challenges that retailers face and have the opportunity to explore methods and techniques available to address these challenges. You will also have access to simulation tools to better internalize the concepts.

The course will take a hands-on, problem driven approach that will help you understand and put into practice the concepts you learn. At the end of the course you, will be able to make better decisions at every step of the retail process.

We have designed this course to suit a wide variety of participants, from retail owners and store managers, to undergrad business majors or specialists in retail.


Week 1: Demand Forecasting

Introduction to Forecasting
Forecasting With History
Forecasting Without History
Measuring Uncertainty
Forecasting Aggregation and Lead Time
Common Pitfalls in Forecasting

Week 2: Inventory Management

Retailers as Inventory Managers
Drivers and Cost of Inventory
Balancing Ordering and Holding Costs
Selling Under Uncertainty: The Newsvendor Model
Safety Inventories

Week 3: Assortment Planning

Introduction to Assortment Planning
Breath and Basket Effect
Depth and Category Management
Variety Trade Offs
Customer's Assortment Perception

Week 4: Pricing Decisions

Introduction to Pricing Decisions
Setting Retail Prices
The Right Price
Promotions and Discounts
Price Perception


Basic undergraduate mathematics

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