
Understanding English Dictionaries

Explore English dictionaries, from how they are compiled, the different types, to the latest lexicographic research.

1303 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 6
  • 初级
  • 英语


Compare the content and wording of definitions.

Develop your understanding of the lexicographical choices and computational methods surrounding the selection and ordering of word meanings.

Reflect on the range of possible dictionary entry components.

Assess the roles of language technology, corpora and crowdsourcing in the dictionary compilation process.

Explore some of the latest trends in lexicographic research.


While many people use dictionaries, they may not know very much about them, especially if they’re online. We aren’t usually aware of which dictionary an entry has come from, why the word was included in the dictionary, how the dictionary compilers assembled this information, or how valid it is.

On this course you will explore the ins and outs of English dictionaries, learning from established dictionary editors and researchers. You will explore subjects such as trends in lexicographic research, possible dictionary entry components, and the content and wording of definitions.


The reasons why we use dictionaries.

The differences between ‘landmark’ dictionaries such as the Oxford English Dictionary and less conventional products such as collaborative and crowdsourced dictionaries.

What goes into a dictionary – who decides, and how?

Dictionaries and dictionary information for different users.

The stages in corpus-based lexicography.

How meanings are created, why some words have more than one meaning, how lexicographers identify meanings and how meanings are explained in a dictionary.


This course is for anyone with a general interest in the English language. It might also be useful for those studying or teaching English, languages or lexicography.

Please note that the individuals listed below under the title “Who will you learn with?” may be subject to change.

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