
Machine Learning: Algorithms in the Real World

Machine Learning Real World Applications. Master techniques for implementing a machine learning project

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  • 完成时间大约为 2 个月
  • 中级
  • 英语


Clearly define an ML problem

Survey available data resources and identify potential ML applications

Prepare data for effective ML applications

Take a business need and turn it into a machine learning application


This specialization is for professionals who have heard the buzz around machine learning and want to apply machine learning to data analysis and automation. Whether finance, medicine, engineering, business or other domains, this specialization will set you up to define, train, and maintain a successful machine learning application.

After completing all four courses, you will have gone through the entire process of building a machine learning project. You will be able to clearly define a machine learning problem, identify appropriate data, train a classification algorithm, improve your results, and deploy it in the real world. You will also be able to anticipate and mitigate common pitfalls in applied machine learning.


Introduction to Applied Machine Learning

This course is for professionals who have heard the buzz around machine learning and want to apply machine learning to data analysis and automation. Whether finance, medicine, engineering, business or other domains, this course will introduce you to problem definition and data preparation in a machine learning project.By the end of the course, you will be able to clearly define a machine learning problem using two approaches. You will learn to survey available data resources and identify potential ML applications. You will learn to take a business need and turn it into a machine learning application. You will prepare data for effective machine learning applications.

This is the first course of the Applied Machine Learning Specialization brought to you by Coursera and the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute.

Machine Learning Algorithms: Supervised Learning Tip to Tail

This course takes you from understanding the fundamentals of a machine learning project. Learners will understand and implement supervised learning techniques on real case studies to analyze business case scenarios where decision trees, k-nearest neighbours and support vector machines are optimally used. Learners will also gain skills to contrast the practical consequences of different data preparation steps and describe common production issues in applied ML.To be successful, you should have at least beginner-level background in Python programming (e.g., be able to read and code trace existing code, be comfortable with conditionals, loops, variables, lists, dictionaries and arrays). You should have a basic understanding of linear algebra (vector notation) and statistics (probability distributions and mean/median/mode).

This is the second course of the Applied Machine Learning Specialization brought to you by Coursera and the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute.

Data for Machine Learning

This course is all about data and how it is critical to the success of your applied machine learning model. Completing this course will give learners the skills to:Understand the critical elements of data in the learning, training and operation phases
Understand biases and sources of data
Implement techniques to improve the generality of your model
Explain the consequences of overfitting and identify mitigation measures
Implement appropriate test and validation measures.
Demonstrate how the accuracy of your model can be improved with thoughtful feature engineering.
Explore the impact of the algorithm parameters on model strength

To be successful in this course, you should have at least beginner-level background in Python programming (e.g., be able to read and code trace existing code, be comfortable with conditionals, loops, variables, lists, dictionaries and arrays). You should have a basic understanding of linear algebra (vector notation) and statistics (probability distributions and mean/median/mode).

This is the third course of the Applied Machine Learning Specialization brought to you by Coursera and the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute.

Optimizing Machine Learning Performance

This course synthesizes everything your have learned in the applied machine learning specialization. You will now walk through a complete machine learning project to prepare a machine learning maintenance roadmap. You will understand and analyze how to deal with changing data. You will also be able to identify and interpret potential unintended effects in your project. You will understand and define procedures to operationalize and maintain your applied machine learning model. By the end of this course you will have all the tools and understanding you need to confidently roll out a machine learning project and prepare to optimize it in your business context. To be successful, you should have at least beginner-level background in Python programming (e.g., be able to read and code trace existing code, be comfortable with conditionals, loops, variables, lists, dictionaries and arrays). You should have a basic understanding of linear algebra (vector notation) and statistics (probability distributions and mean/median/mode).

This is the final course of the Applied Machine Learning Specialization brought to you by Coursera and the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii).


We recommend a background in analytics, math (linear algebra, matrix multiplication), statistics and beginner level python programming.

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