
Teach English: Intermediate Grammar

Make Grammar Lessons Fun and Effective . Learn how to use online resources to enhance intermediate grammar lessons for your students

7840 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 8 个月
  • 初级
  • 英语, 其他


This specialization is for ESL teachers and future ESL teachers who want to make their classes more effective and fun. You will learn how to use online videos and activities that ESL teachers at University of California, Irvine created to teach intermediate ESL learners. You will review language-learning pedagogy and best practices for using these resources effectively. This specialization will give any ESL teacher loads of creative ideas for their classrooms.


Strategies for Teaching Perfect Tenses and Modals

This is the first course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. In this course, you will learn about teaching important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about teaching common modal verbs used in English. Finally, you will have opportunities to practice the skills you learn by creating sample assignments and recording short videos of your teaching demonstrations. This course is designed for teachers or those wanting to become teachers who have a solid understanding of English grammar and want to improve their skills of teaching that grammar to others. Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version.

Techniques for Teaching Adjectives and Adjective Clauses

This is the second course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. In this course, you will learn how to effectively teach adjectives, adjective phrases, and adjective clauses to your students. You will learn what makes this grammar difficult for students and how to make it easier for them. You will also learn a variety of activities and methods for teaching this content in a fun and interesting way. You will have opportunities to practice the skills you learn by creating sample assignments and recording short videos of your teaching demonstrations. This course is designed for teachers or those wanting to become teachers who have a solid understanding of English grammar and want to improve their skills of teaching that grammar to others.Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version.

Teaching Tips for Tricky English Grammar

This is the third course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. It will be useful to ESL teachers or those interested in learning to teach English language, but it is not an introduction to teaching course. You will learn about some specific problems students have learning intermediate grammar. You will learn why students have trouble with this tricky grammar and find out new ways to help students conquer it. You will also learn a variety of activities for teaching this content in a fun and interesting way. Finally, you will have opportunities to practice the skills you learn by creating sample assignments and recording short videos of your teaching demonstrations using a video camera, webcam, or smartphone. Learners wanting a grade will be required to submit short videos of their teaching skills.Only learners who pay for the course will be able to take the graded quizzes or submit assignments for feedback. The free version provides access to the lectures and practice activities only.

Teaching Intermediate Grammar ProjectThis is the final project for the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. You should have basic knowledge of intermediate grammar and teaching methodology in order to complete this course. In this course, you will create a portfolio including all of the following for one specific intermediate grammar point: a lesson plan for the grammar point, a video of yourself introducing the grammar point, two related practice exercises or activities with handouts, an informal assessment, and a formal assessment with answer key. To do this, you will put into practice all of the skills that you have learned in the previous three courses. Finally, you will share your portfolio with other learners to demonstrate the skills you have learned and receive feedback, and you will get the chance to learn from others as you give them feedback on their portfolios. After you complete this course, you will have the skills you need to effectively create your own lesson plans, practice exercises and assessments needed to teach grammar to intermediate-level students.Learners in this course must be able to create a video using a webcam, video camera, or smart phone and upload the video files or share the video as a link.


In the capstone project, you will create a portfolio including all of the following for one specific intermediate grammar point: a lesson plan for the grammar point, a video of yourself teaching the grammar point, a related practice exercise or activity, an informal assessment, and a formal assessment. You will put into practice all of the skills that you have learned in the previous three courses. Finally, you will share your portfolio with other learners to demonstrate the skills you have learned, and you will get the chance to learn from others as you give them feedback on their portfolios.


Learners should have at least an intermediate understanding of English grammar.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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