
Drug Commercialization

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  • 完成时间大约为 13 个小时
  • 初级
  • 英语


The University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Commercialization course brings you lectures from both faculty and industry experts. With this course, recorded on campus at UCSD, we seek to share our access to top people in the field who bring an unprecedented range of expertise on drug commercialization.

This course will cover pharmacoeconomic, marketing strategy, intellectual property strategy, portfolio management, managed markets and strategic alliances. It will also have a lecture case study from startup to success.

In addition, the course will discuss post-marketing clinical trials or Phase 4 trials. These are conducted after a new drug has been approved by the regulatory agencies and launched. In these studies, the new drug is prescribed in an everyday healthcare environ­ment using a much larger group of patients. This enables new treat­ment uses for the new drug to be developed, comparisons with other treatments for the same indication to be made, and determination of the clinical effectiveness of the new drug in a wider variety of patient types, and more rare side effects, if any, may be detected .

Pre-marketing strategy should be instigated as early as Phase 1 clinical trials to ensure that the market’s needs are incorporated into the new drug’s overall develop­ment. Later phases when clinical results are presented at international medical conferences the marketing strategy is then refined in order to develop an awareness amongst the medical community who will be prescribing the new drug. In addition to the marketing strategy, pricing strategy and a tactical plan will be developed. Promotional material, and the sales force will be trained so that when the product is approved they can promote the drug to physician, pharmacist and nurses.

This course is intended as part 3 of a series: Drug Discovery (https://www.coursera.org/learn/drug-discovery), Drug Development (https://www.coursera.org/learn/drug-development) and Drug Commercialization. We would highly recommend that you take the courses in order since it will give you a better understanding on how a drug is discovered in the lab before being tested in clinical trials and then launched in the market place.



Pharmacoeconomics in Drug Development, Jan Hirsch, Ph.D.

Intellectual Property Strategy & BioSimilars, Williams Ettouati, Pharm.D.

Marketing Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Drugs, Williams Ettouati, Pharm.D.

Managed Markets and Sales Strategy, Doral Fredericks, Pharm.D., MBA

Strategic Alliances in Academia, Pharma and Biotech, Williams Ettouati, Pharm. D.

Academic Industry partnership "Various models, Various outcomes", Remi Brouard, M.D.

From Start up to Success in Biotech, Barry Quart, Pharm.D.

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