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贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲探索 5 | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界

贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲探索 5

Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 5

1305 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 13 个小时
  • 中级
  • 英语


Welcome to Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas Part 5! You’re joining thousands of learners currently enrolled in the course. I’m excited to have you in the class and look forward to your contributions to the learning community.

To begin, I recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site. Review the material we’ll cover each week, and preview the assignments you’ll need to complete to pass the course. Click Discussions to see forums where you can discuss the course material with fellow students taking the class.

If you have questions about course content, please post them in the forums to get help from others in the course community. For technical problems with the Coursera platform, visit the Learner Help Center.

Good luck as you get started, and I hope you enjoy the course!


Welcome to Class

WELCOME TO CLASS! We are thrilled that you have joined us for Part 5 of Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas course, taught by Jonathan Biss, Chair of Piano Studies at the Curtis Institute of Music. Jonathan is recognized as a world-renown concert artist and musical thinker. This course is Part 5 of the existing series called Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas. As with all sections of this course, Part 5 contains new and separate sets of lectures. Specifically, we will dive into Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 27, No. 1; Sonata Op. 31, No. 1; Hammerklavier, Op. 106, to which there are two dedicated lectures for this monumental work. It is important to remind you that it is not necessary to have taken the previous Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas courses, in order to enroll in this one. We think you will be perfectly comfortable to start learning with Part 5 if you wish and continue backwards. Between these courses, there exists a large amount of additional resources and learning that might be helpful as you embark on Part 5. And of course, we strongly encourage you to take Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, if you have not yet. In the meantime, have a terrific time taking this class and Part 5 of Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas.

Op. 27, No. 1

Op. 31, No. 1

Op. 106: Hammerklavier (Part 1)

Op. 106: Hammerklavier (Part 2)

Your Thoughts Welcome

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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