Everyday across the world, thousands of businesses are victimized by fraud. Who commits these bad acts? Why? And, how? In this course we are going to help you answer the questions: who commits fraud, why and how. We’ll also help you develop skills for catching them.
The Accidental Fraudster
Who are "accidental" fraudsters? Learn who accidental fraudsters are, the basic elements of fraud, and how devastating the costs of fraud are.
The Predator Fraudster
What is a "preditor" fraudster? How do you protect your organization against a preditor fraudster? Learn how internal control concepts and other techniques can help you detect and prevent preditor fraudsters.
Big Data, Benford's Law and Financial Analytics
What is "big data"? Learn how data analysis, Benford analysis and other tools can help you identify fraudulent activities.
Cyber-Crime and Money Laundering: Contemporary Tools and Techniques.
Money laundering. This week’s session will introduce you to the objectives and
stages of money laundering as well as the basic techniques used.
Everything you need to know about whistleblowing. Learn the importance of
whistleblowing and the difficulty of being a whistleblower.