This course provides learners with a baseline understanding of common cyber security threats, vulnerabilities, and risks. An overview of how basic cyber attacks are constructed and applied to real systems is also included. Examples include simple Unix kernel hacks, Internet worms, and Trojan horses in software utilities. Network attacks such as distributed denial of service (DDOS) and botnet- attacks are also described and illustrated using real examples from the past couple of decades.
Familiar analytic models are outlined such as the confidentiality/integrity/availability (CIA) security threat framework, and examples are used to illustrate how these different types of threats can degrade real assets. The course also includes an introduction to basic cyber security risk analysis, with an overview of how threat-asset matrices can be used to prioritize risk decisions. Threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks are examined and mapped in the context of system security engineering methodologies.
Introduction to Cyber Security
This module provides exposure to basic cyber security concepts including some simple, foundational attack methods.
Understanding Basic Security Frameworks
This module introduces some fundamental frameworks, models, and approaches to cyber security including the CIA model.
Examining Cyber Threats More Closely
This module covers some of the more intense attacks over the past decade including worms and DDOS attacks.
Introducing Security Risk Analysis
This module introduces basic engineering and analysis methods for managing cyber security risk to valued assets.