Describe the details of the Turing test, including its purpose, limitations, and potential impact.
Describe the details of Searle’s Chinese Room thought experiment, including its purpose, limitations, and potential impact.
Discuss previous and current attempts to create artificial systems that can pass the Turing Test in various domains.
Compute and outline the limitations of exponential and factorial growth functions.
In this course, we will explore the history of cognitive science and the way these ideas shape how we think of artificial cognition.
This week we will explore the history of automata and machines imitating life.
Tests and Thought Experiments
This week we will start to define the boundaries of intelligence, understanding, and related ideas from both human and machine perspectives.
A Hard Problem
For the next two weeks, we will discuss how our understanding of cognition leads to differing definitions of problems.
Cognitive Problems in Computational Terms
We will continue discussing how our understanding of cognition leads to differing definitions of problems.