
Data Visualization with Python

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  • 完成时间大约为 10 个小时
  • 中级
  • 英语, 其他


“A picture is worth a thousand words”. We are all familiar with this expression. It especially applies when trying to explain the insight obtained from the analysis of increasingly large datasets. Data visualization plays an essential role in the representation of both small and large-scale data.

One of the key skills of a data scientist is the ability to tell a compelling story, visualizing data and findings in an approachable and stimulating way. Learning how to leverage a software tool to visualize data will also enable you to extract information, better understand the data, and make more effective decisions.

The main goal of this Data Visualization with Python course is to teach you how to take data that at first glance has little meaning and present that data in a form that makes sense to people. Various techniques have been developed for presenting data visually but in this course, we will be using several data visualization libraries in Python, namely Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Folium.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Subscription is only $39 USD per month for access to graded materials and a certificate.


Introduction to Data Visualization Tools

In this module, you will learn about data visualization and some of the best practices to keep in mind when creating plots and visuals. You will also learn about the history and the architecture of Matplotlib and learn about basic plotting with Matplotlib. In addition, you will learn about the dataset on immigration to Canada, which will be used extensively throughout the course. Finally, you will briefly learn how to read csv files into a pandas dataframe and process and manipulate the data in the dataframe, and how to generate line plots using Matplotlib.

Basic and Specialized Visualization Tools

In this module, you learn about area plots and how to create them with Matplotlib, histograms and how to create them with Matplotlib, bar charts, and how to create them with Matplotlib, pie charts, and how to create them with Matplotlib, box plots and how to create them with Matplotlib, and scatter plots and bubble plots and how to create them with Matplotlib.

Advanced Visualizations and Geospatial Data

In this module, you will learn about advanced visualization tools such as waffle charts and word clouds and how to create them. You will also learn about seaborn, which is another visualization library, and how to use it to generate attractive regression plots. In addition, you will learn about Folium, which is another visualization library, designed especially for visualizing geospatial data. Finally, you will learn how to use Folium to create maps of different regions of the world and how to superimpose markers on top of a map, and how to create choropleth maps.

此外,您还能在所有设备上欣赏您的整个音乐资料库。免费畅听 3 个月,之后每月只需 ¥10.00。
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