
Robotic Vision

Gain the skills to build a computer vision system in this practical program of online courses.

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  • 完成时间大约为 10
  • 混合难度
  • 英语


explain the principles of vision

apply the principles of vision to robotic function

reflect on the nature of robotic vision for specific tasks

describe how images are represented in a computer

describe the purposes of different types of image processing operations

demonstrate basic coding in MATLAB for image processing relevant to robotics

apply your knowledge of computer vision to a robot to enable it to carry out a simple task

demonstrate basic coding in MATLAB for shape and colour classification, and relating points in the image to points in the world

reflect on the success of your and your peers’ robotic vision systems.


Skills in building robotic vision systems will become vital to developing the robots of the future

Robots with vision will play increasingly important roles in society, from health care to marine science and interplanetary exploration. Robotic vision is an area of technology that is growing quickly in both its potential and applications.

The Robotic Vision program from Queensland University of Technology (QUT) comprises three online courses that provide both theory and practice in programming robotic (computer) vision.

You’ll explore the principles of vision: how human vision works; how robotic vision works; and relevant aspects of colour, light and perspective.

You’ll become familiar with the mathematical and programming skills required to process and manipulate images, and develop these skills with hands-on practice using the MATLAB programming environment.

You’ll put your skills into practice by using specialist software to create the code required for a robot to complete a simple visual task. If you have previously competed QUT’s Introducing Robotics program, you may be able to use the robot arm you built in the Build a Robot Arm course to complete an extension activity in the third course of Robotic Vision.

Accessible for free on desktop, tablet or mobile, and delivered in bite-sized chunks, this program provides a flexible and supported way to develop your understanding of robotic vision.


Robotic Vision: Principles of Vision

What is vision? Learn the basics of human and robot vision, the concept of perspective and the constituent parts of an image.

Robotic Vision: Processing Images

How do computers process images? Learn about image processing and image features, and how robots can be programmed to see.

Robotic Vision: Making Robots See

How does my robot see? Get involved in a vision project by writing the code for a complete vision system.

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  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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