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企业成长战略 | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界


Business Growth Strategy

2609 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 16 个小时
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  • 英语, 韩语, 其他


How to identify and evaluate opportunities to scale an organization

How to enter new markets and apply game theory to analyze, assess, and respond to competitors

How to assess the impact of a potential merger and acquisition and avoid common pitfalls of this type of growth

How to unlock the keys to innovation, from building an innovative capability to adding value from innovation to determining an innovation strategy






你会学到:“3个发展的神话”;“发展的真相”; 发展如同“大自然”的原因;像“加速器”一样发展的方法;“4Ps营销理论”对于发展的重要性;以及如何有策略地规划企业发展。

Get the tools you need to analyze, evaluate and recommend specific actions organizations can take to grow their value and avoid common growth pitfalls. Learn to determine how best to build value, whether by scaling existing markets, entering established markets or creating new markets through innovation and acquisitions. Apply these concepts in case studies of industry leaders JetBlue, Starbucks, Intel Corporate Venturing and Tata Motors.


完成时间为 3 小时
Growth through Scaling
Strategic growth is intentional, proactive, and consistent with a company's purpose. Taking advantage of economies of scale--growing a business by doing more of what it's already doing--is a conceptually easy but operationally complex approach to business growth. In this module, you will learn the Scenario Planning tool to identify and evaluate opportunities to scale an organization. With this tool, you'll have an effective means to understand when and where to grow and how to get there. The Starbucks case provides an opportunity for you to practice this tool and apply key concepts.
13 个视频 (总计 86 分钟), 5 个阅读材料, 1 个测验

完成时间为 2 小时
Growth through Entry
Growth through entry--whether by offering new products in existing markets or offering the same products in new markets--doesn't happen in isolation. Multiple firms compete for these markets and so any discussion of growth through entry has to look at the impact of rivalry. In this module, you'll learn how to apply game theory to analyze, assess, and respond to competitors. With the payoff matrices tool, you'll be able to evaluate options and determine an effective position. The JetBlue vs. American Airlines case gives you an opportunity to apply this tool and deepen your understanding of how to identify potential rivals and determine an appropriate response.
9 个视频 (总计 54 分钟), 1 个阅读材料, 1 个测验

完成时间为 2 小时
Growth through Acquisition
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are common--but rarely successful--ways firms attempt to grow their business. In this module, we'll show you the pros and cons of M&A, suggest valid alternatives, and outline effective M&A strategies. Using the Acquisitions Analysis tool, you'll be able to assess the impact of a potential M&A and avoid common pitfalls of this type of growth. Through an analysis of the Tata Motors case, you'll have a chance to apply this tool to determine an effective growth strategy.
13 个视频 (总计 74 分钟), 1 个阅读材料, 1 个测验

完成时间为 5 小时
Growth through Innovation
Introducing new ideas, processes, and products that disrupt the market is another common growth strategy. In this module, we'll unlock the keys to innovation, from building an innovative capability to appropriating value from innovation to determining an innovation strategy. Using the Real Options Analysis tool, we'll show you how to grow through innovation and good practices for doing so. The Intel Corporate Venturing case provides an opportunity for you to practice this tool and apply course concepts to a real-world scenario.




1. 爱德华·D·赫斯,《走向卓越:企业家的成长智慧》(Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Entrepreneurial Businesses), 斯坦福,加州:斯坦福商业书籍,2012年,该书是本课程的奠基石。

2. 爱德华·D·赫斯和 查尔斯F. 戈茨, 《你想创业吗?》(So! You Want to Start a Business?) 上萨德尔里弗,新泽西:FT出版社,2008年。本书针对那些想创业的人。它着重探讨了新兴企业失败的8个共同原因,并教你如何避免这些错误。

3. 爱德华·D·赫斯, 《有机发展的道路:大企业如何不断从内部发展市场份额》(The Road to Organic Growth: How Great Companies Consistently Grow Marketshare From Within),纽约:麦格劳·希尔公司,2007年。本书基于对一贯高速有机发展的美国上市公司及其典型特征——成功的6个关键的研究。谈及的企业有西斯科,史赛克公司,澳派牛排馆,百思买,TSYS,蒂芙尼 & 官网和美国鹰公司。

1. 彼得·F·德鲁克,《创新和企业家精神》(Innovation and Entrepreneurship),纽约:哈伯商务,1993年。

2. 迈克尔·E·戈贝尔,《E神话回顾:为什么小企业运作不良及应对方法》(The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It),纽约:哈珀科斯林,2001年。

3. 尼尔·C·丘吉尔 和 约翰·W·马林斯, 《你的公司可以承受多快的发展?》(“How Fast Can Your Company Afford to Grow?”) 哈佛商业评论,79卷,第5期 (2001):135-42。

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