
Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition

Learn about malnutrition and micronutrients and how they impact human health.

2031 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 7
  • 中级
  • 英语


Introduction to the field of food and nutrition

Composition of foods

Basic chemistry of vitamins and minerals

The role of vitamins and minerals in the body

The Impact of malnutrition on global disease burden

Nutritional strategies to improve nutritional status and combat malnutrition

How to better weigh and interpret the information about nutrition and health


There is an overload of information about nutrition and health, but what is the truth and what can you do to improve the health of your patients? Learn more about nutrition and how our diet profoundly impacts our current and future health. This course addresses the relationship between nutrition and human health, with a focus on health problems related to malnutrition.
In this course, Professor Sander Kersten from Wageningen University & Research will explain about the micronutrient (vitamins, minerals, and trace elements) content of foods. You will learn about their role in the body and their impact on our health. Moreover, this course will discuss how suboptimal nutrition may affect human health, with particular attention to malnutrition and global hunger. You will learn about strategies to improve and combat these problems of malnutrition. Finally, the course will make you familiar with nutritional research and research methodologies.
This course is especially useful for health care professionals and people working in the food industry with a non-nutrition background. You will develop a critical mind set by learning to better weigh and interpret information about food, nutrition and health. to improve overall health
This course, is part of the Food, Nutrition and Health Professional Certificate Program of Wageningen University & Research. Did you already complete Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition? That is the first course in the Food, Nutrition and Health Professional Certificate Program. To explore other learning opportunities about nutrition, have a look at the courses

Food Risks
Human Microbiome
Nutrition and Cancer
Nutrition, Heart Disease and Diabetes


Module 1: Basic Principles of micronutrients
Start the course by learning about the general principles that apply to vitamins
and minerals.

Module 2: Water, minerals, trace elements
In this module you will look at the health effects of water, and will cover the various
dietary minerals.

Module 3: Fat soluble vitamins and health
Learn about the fat soluble vitamins: vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E.

Module 4: Water soluble vitamins and health
For this module, you'll shift your focus to a few of the water soluble vitamins: vitamin C, folate and vitamin B12.

Module 5: The global burden of micronutrient malnutrition
Discuss the prevalence and trends of micronutrient deficiencies
and their geographical distribution. We will also talk about the double burden of

Module 6: Global solutions to micronutrient deficiencies
This module will outline the available strategies to alleviate micronutrient

Module 7: Insight in the future of Nutritional Science (verified learners only)
In this module you will get to see some of the exciting research that is currently being
done in the field of Nutritional Science.

_ If you like this course, you might also like: _

Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition
Food Risks
Human Microbiome
Nutrition and Cancer
Nutrition, Heart Disease and Diabetes


Undergraduate basic biology

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