
Chinese Characters for beginner

2910 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 28 个小时
  • 初级
  • 中文


Welcome to “Chinese Characters for beginner”!
This is an elementary course on learning Chinese characters. Together, we will start from the basic element of Chinese characters– Strokes. Then we will learn 1,200 basic Chinese words composed of 240 commonly used Chinese characters, which begin with “一”(one), including pronunciation, shape and meaning, so that to improve the learning effect.

① Each Chinese character is with pinyin;

② Each Chinese character is shown in the form of animation in the process of writing, namely strokes;

③ English translation is used on the Chinese character can be a word itself. Other Chinese characters can not be independent of words are the characters of. The English translation of this kind of characters is marked in parentheses;

④ Each Chinese word is accompanied by Pinyin, English translation and picture, which is easy to understand;

⑤ There are proper exercises at the end of each lesson.

Good luck !


Week 1 Lesson 1 Basic strokes - Number (1)
Lesson 2 The derived strokes (1) - Number (2)
Lesson 3 The derived strokes (2) - Numerals and People
Lesson 4 The derived strokes (3) - Workers
Quiz of lesson 1-4

Week 2 Lesson 5 The derived strokes (4) - “ 亻”(single side)
Lesson 6 Female
Lesson 7 Parents
Lesson 8 Children
Quiz of lesson 5-8

Week 3 Lesson 9 Teachers and Students
Lesson 10 Antonyms (1)
Lesson 11 Antonyms (2)
Lesson 12 Antonyms (3)
Quiz of lesson 9-12

Week 4 Lesson 13 Antonyms (4)
Lesson 14 Directions
Lesson 15 Grammar words (1)
Lesson 16 Grammar words (2)
Quiz of lesson 13-16

Week 5 Lesson 17 Grammar words (3)
Lesson 18 Grammar words (4)
Lesson 19 Head
Lesson 20 Eye
Quiz of lesson 17-20

Week 6 Lesson 21 Teeth and Mouth
Lesson 22 Mouth
Lesson 23 Brother and Division
Lesson 24 Speech (1)
Quiz of lesson 21-24

Week 7 Lesson 25 Speech (2)
Lesson 26 “ 右 ”(right)
Lesson 27 Again
Lesson 28 Hand
Quiz of lesson 25-28

Week 8 Lesson 29 To see
Lesson 30 Heart (1)
Lesson 31 Heart (2)
Lesson 32 Foot
Quiz of lesson 29-32

Week 9 Lesson 33 To walk
Lesson 34 Horse and Sheep
Lesson 35 Cow
Lesson 36 Dog and Bird
Quiz of lesson 32-36

Week 10 Lesson 37 Fish and Worm
Lesson 38 Body (1)
Lesson 39 Body (2)
Lesson 40 Sun
Quiz of lesson 37-40


Before learning this course, learners need to master the Chinese phonetic alphabet - Pinyin; If the learners can master the entry level of Chinese spoken language, such as the MOOC course "Chinese for beginners" , will be better for this course`s learning.

此外,您还能在所有设备上欣赏您的整个音乐资料库。免费畅听 3 个月,之后每月只需 ¥10.00。
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