
Principles of Game Design

2842 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 18 个小时
  • 混合难度
  • 英语


Video Game Development

Game Design Document

Video Game Design

Game Design


You have a great idea for a game. Turning that idea into a reality isn’t just about knowing the tools. In this course you will practice moving from game concept through design documentation, prototyping and testing. Numerous elements go into the overall process of game design. These range from topics such as idea generation, story, character, and game world development, game mechanics and level design, and user experience design. You will explore the process for designing meaningful experiences for your players. At the end of the course learners will have produced a game’s high concept document, one page blueprint, a physical prototype, pitch and supporting design documentation to move from an idea in your head to a fleshed out design, ready for implementation.


完成时间为 4 小时
Getting Started with Game Design
Let's be honest, the process of game design is pretty ambiguous. It is about 90% awesome and 10% terror. As a game designer, you will create things that other people will actually (hopefully) play. Those players will have both positive and negative things to say about your game. It is important to get a sense of what the game design process looks like. In this first module of Principles of Game Design you will create a "High Concept" document for your game. You will develop your own game idea leveraging the "Design | Play | Experience" (DPE) model and work to understand your role as game designer.
9 个视频 (总计 64 分钟), 6 个阅读材料, 4 个测验

完成时间为 4 小时
Fleshing Out a Game Design
There's a significant difference between having an idea and beginning to turn that idea into something tangible. People often confuse the phrases "flushing out" and "fleshing out". Idea generation is about "flushing out" an idea. This module in the Principles of Game Design is focused on "fleshing out" your game idea or adding muscle, skin and character to the skeleton created in Module 1. You will explore game worlds of your own creation as well as the kinds of stories you would like to tell through games. By the end of this module you will have created a "Story Bible" for your game.
6 个视频 (总计 61 分钟), 4 个阅读材料, 4 个测验

完成时间为 4 小时
From Idea to Implementation
Games aren't just about ideas, stories and worlds. They are also interactive systems that players experience. What does it mean to develop gameplay or game systems? This module introduces you to the process of designing gameplay experiences and then how those components can be leveraged in the process of level design. You will explore what it means to "balance" a game or move from an idea to something playable by users.
8 个视频 (总计 61 分钟), 4 个阅读材料, 4 个测验

完成时间为 5 小时
Making Designs Better
Prototyping is one of the most critical skills a game designer can cultivate. The ability to "find the fun" in gameplay design is critical to being a successful designer. In this module you will create a prototype of a game idea. This can then be put in front of players allowing you to better understand if the underlying mechanics, systems and aesthetic are something that players may find engaging. This module also encourages you, as an aspiring game designer, to ask questions about the social impact and context of your game. As a designer, it is important to think about the impact that your creativity could possibly have on the world.

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