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基于Web技术的多平台移动应用开发:Ionic和Cordova | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界


Multiplatform Mobile App Development with Web Technologies: Ionic and Cordova

1719 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 24 个小时
  • 混合难度
  • 英语


Ionic (Mobile App Framework)

Apache Cordova


Mobile Application Development


This course focuses on developing multiplatform mobile applications using the Web technologies (HTML5, CSS and Javascript). In particular we make use of the Cordova hybrid application framework to develop and target multiple mobile platforms with a single codebase. We make use of the Ionic framework (Ionic Ver 3.x), one of the most popular mobile application frameworks, that is built with mobile-optimized HTML5 and CSS based components and Angular. You will learn about UI development with Ionic and then using Cordova’s modules to access the native mobile platform’s capabilities from Javascript. You should have already completed the Bootstrap 4 and the Angular courses in this specialization before proceeding with this course.

At the end of this course you will be able to (a) Build mobile applications targeting multiple platforms with a single codebase, (b) Leverage your HTML5, CSS, Javascript and Angular skills, and (c) Use various features of the Ionic framework to build hybrid mobile applications


完成时间为 14 小时
Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks: An Introduction
This module introduces you to hybrid mobile application development. You will learn about the Ionic framework and explore some of the features of the Ionic framework to implement an Ionic app based on the Angular application that was implemented in the previous course on Angular.
19 个视频 (总计 313 分钟), 28 个阅读材料, 2 个测验

完成时间为 10 小时
Ionic Components
This module explores the Ionic support for forms. Advanced features of Ionic lists are discussed. In addition all the different methods of overlaying information on the screen like modals, popups, popovers, action sheets, and loading are examined. Ionic support for gestures is also briefly considered.
11 个视频 (总计 153 分钟), 18 个阅读材料, 2 个测验

完成时间为 7 小时
Ionic Split Pane, Grid and Storage, and Deploying your App
In this module you will learn about using local storage within your app. You will then learn about configuring your machine for building your
app for various platforms, and deploying your app to emulators and devices.
11 个视频 (总计 127 分钟), 16 个阅读材料, 1 个测验

完成时间为 10 小时
Accessing Native Capabilities of Devices: Cordova and Ionic Native
In this module you will explore Cordova and the Ionic Native wrappers that enable you to access the native capabilities of the mobile devices.
You will use a few plugins in order to understand the general concepts and the patterns for using these plugins within your Ionic application

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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