Academic Communication English is open to participants who may use English in an academic context. It aims to help you develop and broaden your academic communication skills in English. The focus of this course is on appropriate speaking styles, effective procedures in preparing for an academic presentation, strategies to adopt on various academic communication occasions, and on building up fluency and confidence in public speaking.
To achieve this goal, lectures in video, follow-up exercises, on-line discussions and some other interactive activities will be provided for you. They are grouped into three parts. In the first part, we deal with academic communication in a general way. Several key issues in this field will be discussed, such as the Differences Between Daily Conversation and Academic Presentation, Strategies to Overcome Stage Fright and the Appropriate Academic Speaking Style. In part two, we focus on how to make an effective academic presentation. Systematic and detailed guidance will be given to you on how to plan, structure, rehearse and deliver your presentation. In part three, we introduce some specific academic occasions to you, such as thesis defense, seminar, tutorial and international conference. You will get to know what people usually do on these occasions, how to make preparation for them and what communicative strategies you should adopt for these occasions.
Week 1
Welcome to the Course
Unit 1 Key Issues
1. Differences Between Conversation and Presentation
2. Stage Fright
3. Academic Speaking Style
4. What Makes a Bad Presentation?
5. What Makes a Good Presentation?
Week 2
Unit 2 Planning a Presentation
1. The Importance of Planning a Presentation
2. Guidelines for Setting Objectives
3. Research Your Audience
4. Choose Your Topic
5. Presentation Venue and Seating Plan
Week 3
Unit 3 Outlining a Presentation
1. The Importance of Outlining a Presentation
2. How to Write a Presentation Outline
3. The Outline of the Informative Presentation
4. The Outline of the Persuasive Presentation
Week 4
Unit 4 Structuring a Presentation
1. Presentation Structure
2. How to Start a Presentation?
3. How to Grab the Audience’s Attention?
4. How to Close a Presentation?
5. Signposting
6. Q&A Session
Week 5
Unit 5 Visual Aids
1. The Importance of Using Visual Aids
2. Visual Aids in Academic Presentations
3. Guidelines for PPT Slides Design - Using Texts and Graphs
4. Guidelines for PPT Sides Design - Using Fonts, Colors, Animations and
5. Practice What We Have Learned
Week 6
Unit 6 Non-verbal Language
1. Non-verbal Language
2. Eye contact
3. Gesture
4. Posture
5. Voice
6. Performance
Week 7
Unit 7 Seminar
1. Preparing for a Seminar
2. During a Seminar
2.1 Delivering a Seminar Presentation
2.2 Having Discussions
2.3 Asking and Dealing with Questions
3. Communication Strategies for a Chairperson
3.1 Why Do We Need a Chair?
3.2 How to Be a Good Chair?
Week 8
Unit 8 International Conference
1. Obtaining Conference Information
2. Different Meetings
3. Organizers and Committees
4. Session Modes
5. Conference Notice
6. Call for Conference Papers
7. Letter of Invitation
8. Curriculum Vitae
1. 完成全部课程的学习。
2. 完成各单元的测试题。
3. 完成布置的作业。
4. 参与教师在各单元发起的讨论。
5. 课程评估由以下几个部分构成:
作业 (20%):完成所有主观题作业。
测验 (30%):完成每个章节后的单元测验。
讨论 (10%):讨论得分需要回答教师在课堂讨论区发起的开放性问题。
期末考试 (40%):课程结束后按要求递交一个讲演稿及其PPT文档。
6. 证书分为电子证书和纸质证书两类。电子证书免费,纸质证书100元/份。
优秀:85 - 100分,获得优秀证书。总优秀率不超过20%。